It’s that time of year again, footy season!
Last year we had a cut throat competition where everybody tipped fairly well. With an exciting year of footy ahead, we expect to have an even more exciting year of tipping.
If you didn’t sign up last year, you can do so by clicking here.
If you need the password to join the competition:
for Conserve It employees, send your Footy Tipping email id you signed up with on Conserve It Footy Tipping Competition 2019 to Conserve It Sports channel on Slack and ask for it
for Conserve It customers, send your Footy Tipping email id you signed up with on Conserve It Footy Tipping Competition 2019 to from your work email and ask for it
If you did sign up last year, all you’ll need to do is log into with your user name and password from last year.
This year, there will be huge prizes for the winner - massive bragging rights! This year the competition will be opened up to both employees and customers and will be lot more competitive.
1st Place - $300 gift card or equivalent
2nd Place - $200 gift card or equivalent
3rd Place - $100 gift card or equivalent
On top of this, there will be prizes for top 2 highest scores each month: 1st will receive a $50 gift card and 2nd a $20 gift card, awarded every month. The aim for this is to keep everyone interested even if they are way behind in the race for total points.
Competition Rules
The standard rules state that you need to place your tips before the start of the first game of the round.
You can change your tips over the weekend, as long as the game hasn’t started you’ll be allowed to change your tips. Most weeks if your tips are in by COB Friday you’ll be okay, some rounds there are games on a Thursday so just keep an eye on the fixture (
If you get all tips right in a single round, you’ll get a bonus point!
If you forget to put your tips in, you don’t get zero, you get equal to the lowest score of the round minus 1.
The first AFL game is on Thursday the 21st of March 2019, make sure you’re signed up by then and have your round 1 tips submitted by then.
We wish you all luck !!!